希臘神話波塞冬(海神) Poseidon(Neptune)(雙語(yǔ)閱讀)
波塞冬(古希臘語(yǔ):Ποσειδών),又譯波塞頓、波色伊東,是希臘神話中的海神(亦是馬匹的神,在神話中為人類(lèi)帶來(lái)馬匹),宙斯的哥哥,哈迪斯的弟弟。其象征物為“波賽頓三叉戟”。相對(duì)應(yīng)于羅馬神話的尼普東,海王星的拉丁名是起源于他。以下是小編帶來(lái)的希臘神話波塞冬(海神) Poseidon(Neptune)(雙語(yǔ)閱讀),歡迎閱讀。
Poseidon was son of Kronus and Rhea,and brother of Zeus.After the war with the Titans,he became the mighty and majestic god of the sea,ruling all the waters around the earth.He was considered to have the greatest power next to Zeus .Poseidon ruled his kingdom with cold shaking.He could call up all the big winds and stir up or calm down the stormy oceans. with a trident in his hand ,he flew across the waves in a carriage drawn by horses with bronze hoofs and golden hairs.Although he had a seat on Olympus,he lived,most of the time,in his shining golden palace in the deeps of the oceans.
Poseidon was ambitious and aggressive .Unhappy with the part of power given to him,he planned to throw down Zeus from his high position.The plan did not come off,and he was sent a way to serve a human being on earth. with the help of Apollo he built the famous walls of Troy for king Loamed on.On one occasion he argued with Athena over the naming of the new city Athens and was forced to give in to the goddess of wisdom.On another he entered into a bitter dispute with Apollo over the king of Corinth and won the case in the end.
Poseidon's loves produced strange children.His wife bore him the children who were half man and half-fish in form.When Demeter did not like his attention and changed herself into a horse,shameless Poseidon turned himself into a horse to continue his seeking.Out of their love a wonderful horse,Arion by name,was born.This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the carriage races in Greece.Poseidon robbed The orphaned,a beautiful maiden,and taking her to an island,changed her into a sheep and himself into a ram.As a result the golden-fleeced ram came into being.
【希臘神話波塞冬(海神) Poseidon(Neptune)(雙語(yǔ)閱讀)】相關(guān)文章: